Road Trip 2017: Crandon Park, Miami, FL

Using a suburb of Miami as our base of operations, we headed out for a day to experience one of the city’s beaches.

Google Maps provided options, and we sifted through all the nude beaches, nude gay beaches, party beaches, and others to find the most “family friendly” choice. We aimed for relaxation and wanted to experience a tropical beach without distraction. Maybe do some worldbuilding for the book and whatnot.

Crandon Park fit the bill, and it delivered. Continue reading “Road Trip 2017: Crandon Park, Miami, FL”

Road Trip 2017: East Coast Florida Stops

We left Jacksonville feeling that we’d escaped an ordeal. Our spirits brightened at the thought of leaving that sleazy drug house, of forgetting the farce at St. Augustine, of finding beaches stocked with fossils.

Vague goals swam through our heads as we traveled down I-95. We wanted to see at least one popular beach and inspect Stuart, because Coastal Living told us it’s charming. How long these stops would take, or what exactly we’d do at each, didn’t matter to us. Continue reading “Road Trip 2017: East Coast Florida Stops”